Concurrent with the final day of the 300K High Godzilla, Godzilla DeepStack’s Round 1A is also the main event of this week’s promotion taking place at the Buenos Aires Casino,The buy-in is $150,000 and it also starts at the Madero Poker table.
The first of the four opening events of the tournament attracted 51 participants, and after 11 levels and 50 minutes of play, it ended with 16 qualifiers Fernando Iturrino with 272,400 chips.
El Conejo Jimenez participated in the contest but failed to qualify. We will definitely see him in the next few days.
Following him is Diego Kanaskevich with 269,200 points.
Godzilla Deepstack 150K
Technical Details
Buy-in: $150,000
Re-entry : Up to Level 8
Day 1A: Tuesday, November 21
Day 1B: Today11 Wednesday, March 22nd. – 2.30pm (11 steps)
Day 1C:Thursday 23rd November. – 2.30pm (11 levels)
Day 1 Turbo:Thursday 23rd November. – 10pm (11 steps)
Day 2: Friday 24th November. – 2:30 PM (10 levels, one hour each)
Day 3: Saturday, November 25. – 3:00pm (until the final table is formed)
Final Day:Sunday 26th November. – 2:30 PM
Blinds: 50 minutes
Second Chance 75K
Buy-in: $75,000
Re-Enter:Up to Level 6
Day 1A:Friday, November 24th. – 8:00 pm
Day 1B:Saturday, November 25. – 3:30 PM
Day 2: Sunday, November 26 – 3:30 PM
Blinds: 30 minutes
This text provides information about the ongoing Godzila DeepStack poker tournament at the Buenos Aires Casino, including details about the buy-in, participants, and schedule. It also mentions a second chance event with a lower buy-in and different schedule.
This text provides details about the Godzilla DeepStack tournament taking place at the Buenos Aires Casino, including the buy-in, participants, and schedule. It also mentions another event called Second Chance 75K, with its own buy-in and schedule.
This text provides detailed information about the Godzilla DeepStack poker tournament at Buenos Aires Casino, including dates, buy-ins, and structure. It also highlights some of the top players who qualified in the first round. Players who enjoy high-stakes poker tournaments may find this information useful and intriguing.
This text provides detailed information about the Godzilla DeepStack tournament at the Buenos Aires Casino, including buy-in amounts, schedule, and participants. It appears to be a high-stakes and competitive event with multiple opportunities for players to enter and potentially win big.